For the love of trees.

There is simply no way I could start a blog without first spending some time to recognize and reflect on the majesty and wonder of nature, and in particular, trees.  Because if you are here on this website, you probably have some sort of interest in trees too.

Trees have called to me since I was a child and the outdoors have always captured my heart.  I believe much of this draw has stemmed from the fact that my family has a farm in Oklahoma.  I’ve always had a place where I can venture into the wilderness.  A place where I can get away.  A place where I can disconnect from the normal parts of life and experience some peace.

It seems that every year I age, I appreciate our farm even more.  As an adult, I am beginning to understand the power that those fields and rocks and trees hold within them.  I realize the deep, spiritual need to connect with nature and simply be in awe of the natural world.  I revere the healing and restorative qualities of the fresh, clean air.  I recognize the significance of a tree that has been growing there for decades before I was even born.  And I am increasingly aware of how quickly time speeds by, but also how long it takes for something so amazing to become what it is.

Nature is a magical and mysterious realm that calls to us with a voice that resonates deep within our souls.  When we immerse ourselves in the beauty of the natural world, we are transported to a place of wonder and enchantment, where the spirit of adventure and exploration is alive and well, where we are but a tiny granule within the massive, unfathomable universe we live in.

And there is no greater embodiment of this spirit than the trees that tower above us, reaching toward the heavens with their outstretched branches and rustling leaves.  Trees are more than just living things – they are living symbols of the deep connection between us and the natural world, and of the boundless potential that resides within us all.

Trees are living beings that communicate with us on a spiritual level, sharing with us their wisdom and guidance.  When we stand beneath the branches of a mighty oak or a towering redwood, we are bathed in their energy and infused with their strength and resilience.

And when we listen closely, we can hear the whispers of the forest, the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft sighing of the wind, all blending together into a symphony of sound that speaks to the soul.

But perhaps the greatest gift that trees offer us is their ability to inspire us to greatness.  When we look up at a soaring tree, we are reminded of the infinite possibilities that lie within us, of the boundless potential waiting to be unleashed.

We are reminded that we too are part of the natural world, that we too are rooted in the earth and reaching for the sky.  And we are reminded that, just as the trees stand tall and proud, we too can stand firm in the face of adversity and rise above the challenges that life throws our way.

The trees of the natural world are more than just towering monuments to the beauty of nature – they are living symbols of the boundless potential that lies within us all.  When we immerse ourselves in the majesty of the forest, we are reminded of our own innate strength and resilience, and of the power of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle.


The Humble Tree.